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2024 DRUPA
Drupa is a ten-day fair running from May 28th to June 7th 2024. It is held every four years since its inauguration in 1951.... View More>>
Drupa 2024
The Drupa exhibition is a global platform that showcases the latest innovations and technologies in the printing and packaging industry.... View More>>
5 Strategies for Packaging Machine Factories to Adapt to Industry Trends
The packaging industry is a significant part of the global economy, and it plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting consumer goods... View More>>
Hope for world peace
Sudan has been plagued by multiple armed conflicts, causing widespread violence and displacement.... View More>>
2023 China Packaging and Printing Exhibition
The 2023 Dongguan Packaging and Printing Exhibition is being held in Dongguan city, guangdong province in China.... View More>>
France has become the first European country to sign a trade agreement allowing payments in China's currency, the renminbi, rather than dollars or euros.
France has become the first European country to sign a trade agreement allowing payments in China's currency, the renminbi, rather than dollars or euros.... View More>>
What is Industry 4.0?
What is Industry 4.0? Packaging industrial; printing industrial;carton waste stripper machine... View More>>
The future development trend of China's printing industry
The future development trend of China's printing industry... View More>>
Because of the small machine, the production capability of printing and packaging industries increased more than 10 times
Because of the small machine, the production capability of printing and packaging industries increased more than 10 times... View More>>
Employment of graduates, should choose printing enterprises?
Employment of graduates, should choose printing enterprises?... View More>>
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